Accdg. to a certain website, this was my pastlife...think about this, "Life may not be the party we hoped for. But while we're here, we might as well dance." So, shall we?
Unstable Dancer
Layout by goldi
Friday, April 21, 2006

04.16.06 Easter Sunday

This shift is killing me. And it feels like it takes an hour for me to blink my eyes, change positions on my seat and hit a key on this keyboard.

I know I am tired because my back is hurting. And I normally experience this whenever I feel real tired.

04.19.06 Wed

Music: The Hardest Part - Coldplay

The second day of my training has been finished a few hours back. "This is it," so I told myself.

I am not considering backing out. But I have no other way but to be there. I take it as an opportunity to better myself definitrly aside from being an additional support to my team/account/supervisors/co-reps. Talking too much is just not me. Well, several times I've been busy making noises here and there. But those were just conversations with friends. Now, I have to be formal. And the guidelines that were discussed already sunk into me. I know they're there for guidance and not really as pattern per se since we all have our own style in delivering things. But the thought that I would be showing a topic this coming Friday that should last at least 10 minutes would be nerve-wracking. I both love and hate attention.

I think I am just scared on who's watching. I wouldn't care less if it would be my teammates since I am so used to dealing with them day in and out. But I would be facing a bunch of perhaps new people who are, uhm, new to me. And that scares me and shies me away. That would make me stutter and forget about things and be a pessimist and have these negative thoughts at the back of my head. (What the hell are they thinking as I do my work in front?). Include grammar, diction, phasing of dicussion, participation and what-have-you.

But everything goes through this. Not training but discussing something educational or interesting (or not) to a group. And I think I would learn to be more in control with my doubt as time passes by. And part of that time would be the day of presentation. Yay!

04.21.06 Fri

Music: The World Is Our Playground And We Will Always Be Home - UdD (The song I picked when one of the facilitators asked the audience for the music of their lives)


Nervousness was better than me. I never learn. And I never develop. Perhaps, yes. But it takes every inch to pull something through. Inching my way somewhere takes a lot of guts. Guts which I may be the only one who understand.

(I didn't feel oh so proud of my presentation earlier. I admit I gave up last night while I was plotting my supposed topic. I was already on my conclusion when I decided to stop and not think of a new topic anymore and just focus on my account. I did that. I discussed some matters about it. I was off to a good start, I must say. But I was not able to maintain it. Things planned to the last minute didn't transpire. I hate being nervous. Being nervous for some reasons that I do not face and accept and later on to be forgotten. If only you saw me there.

I celebrate for two reasons: I am now a certified peer trainer; and I learned my lesson(s) well today right after I secretly-instantly-unexpectedly-surprisingly ended our discussion. I felt weird as I was talking there. It's too formal. Perhaps my topic. But I knew my topic. I could've given a shot to something that I have more enthusiasm discussing.

The last time I was into that was during my thesis defense. I was nervous but I prepared for it a lot. And I was satisfied with what I did for my group.

But today... I would not be forgetting it. It was my first time I talking infront of titled officemates now that I have gone corpy.

I have additional task(s) now which I openly welcome. I tried getting the position to provide extra support for my home account. And I am proud that I would be able to extend more than being a regular rep. I just need more help from my trainers and fellow peer trainers. :p )

Unhappy and happy. Both I see. Tap my back then I feel fine. Knock on wood send me to cloud 9.

Congratulations to Liza, JR, Gab, Leo, Lea and me! Good job to the team who've took care of us - Miches, Rico, B'ley, Cheeky and Vince. And to the additional advices of Meg, Lit and Aaron. Thanks, guys!

*me knocking my head* Do not dwell on that. Come on. *another bop on the head*

posted by Arn everybody's gone kung fu fightin at 10:04 PM