Accdg. to a certain website, this was my pastlife...think about this, "Life may not be the party we hoped for. But while we're here, we might as well dance." So, shall we?
Unstable Dancer
Layout by goldi
Friday, April 14, 2006

04.13.06 Maundy Thur
5:39 pm

I am at work today. Yes, today is part of the two-day declared official holiday but I am here working. Ding! Ding! It only means two things: Double pay and a ride-going-home hunt later.

Actually, I was more than 2 hours early today. I didn't want to be late.

Anyway, good thing that I didn't receive much calls. But I haven't hit the target handling time from the past 4 days that I was here working. So, I am pretty sure that for this week, I would not hit the required AHT at all.

Since it is downtime, I browsed thru friendster to use up my time. I could not fall asleep which is bad. Unfortunately, I was not able to change something in my account's settings. I was too eager to know if this certain person already viewed my profile. Also, I checked on the photo slideshow. And was I surprised to learn some things about the people connected to me. Here they are:

a.) I know my cousin is working somewhere in the Middle East. But it's only now that I knew she's in Qatar;

b.) at least two of my teammates have uploaded new pictures;

c.) a former teammate already has braces on his teeth;

d.) my other cousin visited India recently;

e.) a friend passed a licensure exam;

f.) most of my friends in college who took another degree after we graduate are now nursing and/or medicine graduates;

g.) also, most of my friends in college seemed like they've undergone a make over. Almost all of them had developed physically, perhaps emotionally as well by the way they smile and pose on camera;

h.) another friend has started training for his first job;

i.) everybody loves themselves by the way of their pictures (But I think you should include me as well).

Alright, I hope to get home early. Or at least find a ride home easily. If I may add to this, I hope the ride to and from the office tomorrow be available. Though I am already on leave, I still plan to work. I think this would be my sacrifice on Good Friday. I should not abandon my duty in the office. Yes, it's another double pay day. But I would be more productive if I am here. I hope not to eat meat also.

And, my supervisor already came back from her training in Seattle. Haven't talked to her that much yet. But I was already updated through her blog. And I got this cola-flavoured lolli and..hmm, let me check this chocolate bar... Lindt swiss classic milk crisp hazelnut. Sounds yummy, right? Thanks, Ia. :)

Also, from the featured I added in our support site, it is our team's profile that I am having a hard time the most. I guess I already had an HTML overload that's why my brain could not consume any applications any longer. But I would still do the trial and erro method once in awhile until I get the proper design.

So, there. I'm feeling both hungry and full. Probably, the softdrinks.

04.14.06 Good Friday

I was early again for work.

Now, my only problem is my ride home.

posted by Arn everybody's gone kung fu fightin at 4:58 PM