Accdg. to a certain website, this was my pastlife...think about this, "Life may not be the party we hoped for. But while we're here, we might as well dance." So, shall we?
Unstable Dancer
Layout by goldi
Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Hit me on the head, please.

These past few days, I think the entries I've posted were non-sense. Light, yeah. Or maybe not. I just published them for the heck of it. I thought I'm done with the so-called "writer's block." I was wrong. I'm still dull. I'm still bored. I'm still blank.

I don't know why ideas slip that fast. Inside the bathroom, I've got good points. While walking along the street, something beautiful comes into my mind. After I sit here on my station, all is gone, faster than pressing the backspace key.

Well, nice thoughts, I think, are still kept unwritten. It's uncomfortable sitting on this cushioned chair. My neck aches. My back aches, too. Then, I crack my knuckles.

I miss my notebook.

posted by Arn everybody's gone kung fu fightin at 4:05 PM