Accdg. to a certain website, this was my pastlife...think about this, "Life may not be the party we hoped for. But while we're here, we might as well dance." So, shall we?
Unstable Dancer
Layout by goldi
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

(Un)happy Feet

My feet stink today. So, I'm so sorry to my teammates who might have sniffed my aromatic pair.

I purposely dipped them in flood. Well, I have no choice. Flood water kept flowing from one side of the street to another. If there's any consolation, it would be me wearing shorts and slippers to work. But it's cold.

I hate this typhoon since it came back to back with the other. Florita and Glenda were a dynamic duo. But the latter is the only one roaming around as of press time. I hope less, none if possible, would get hurt and flooded.

Sunshine, please show up the soonest time. Wet clothes may stink as much as my feet. And I wouldn't want that.

posted by Arn everybody's gone kung fu fightin at 6:50 PM