Accdg. to a certain website, this was my pastlife...think about this, "Life may not be the party we hoped for. But while we're here, we might as well dance." So, shall we?
Unstable Dancer
Layout by goldi
Sunday, December 12, 2004


Still waiting for the clock to hit 7am and I'm done.

This is my third day, or should I say night, of training. The first two days were lectures. Confusing, yeah. The account was a bit "techie" for me. Have I mentioned that our trainer is a PExer? Hmm.. he's one of the few in PS thread. Ok. Third day. I'm wearing my headset now. Just got a single call. Hopefully, that would be my first and my last for this shift. I'm really nervous. I'm still grasping for infos.

My first call was alright. I could've suggested an alternative, though. I talked to Barbara, the caller who would like to hook up with the service I'm offering. But after a few talk, she said she'd check with her husband first.

I'm still used with my account. You know. That phone, internet and fashion rolled into one night.

Oh, well. I'm a bit sleepy but that's cool. I had good food before I went back to my station. Plus, I have nice people from DR around. They're assisting and helping us.

Still confused with the services and products. But I know I wold get used to it. I know. I have no choice. Haha.

That's pretty much it. I'm still waiting for my sun to shine to give me new hope. I feel hopeless today. This me faster heartbeats.

Good night to some. To the rest, good morning!



Ok. Just finished my second call. It's Wendell from FL. Unfortunately, no sale for me still. I tried to bring out the "manipulative" salesman in me. Sadly, it didn't work. He had to ask approval from someone else before getting our offer.


I ran out of "techie" terms. Geez.

posted by Arn everybody's gone kung fu fightin at 5:57 AM