Accdg. to a certain website, this was my pastlife...think about this, "Life may not be the party we hoped for. But while we're here, we might as well dance." So, shall we?
Unstable Dancer
Layout by goldi
Thursday, December 09, 2004


I came to work at about 3pm. My regular schedule was changed because I 'm set for a training on a new account. So, my shift would start at 10pm tp 7am. But today, I haven't gotten any sleep yet.. Poor me.

I know I was too early for my training. I couldn't sleep that's why I came in way before 10. I dropped by Toy Kingdom to buy some gifts for Christmas. Met up with my cousin, Jerome at McDonald's - Paseo Center few minutes later. He discussed something about a "business." Well, I was curious..interested..Mmm.. Our talk lasted about two hours and a half.. my longest conversation with him so far.

After that, I went to Kodak to get the pictures that I asked them to process. Twenty two out of twenty three were done. I don't know what happened on the single photo that they said would not open in their computer. Damn! I love that picture.

I'm now here seating in front of my computer. I'm actually here in my station.. just finished eating my astroboy chuckie meal from KFC. I liked the toy, not the food. Bitin kasi.

My neck aches. Now I feel sleepy.

Before forget. I'm as thirsty as a wilting grass. I haven't taken any liquid since I took off from home.

End of story.

Off topic:

I gave my urine sample last night after admin conducted a random drug test session here. It was fast. Around thirteen minutes of my breaktime was taken.

I wonder what would they find in that mountain dew-colored liquid.. or should I say san mig light-like and that includes the bubbles.. Haha.

posted by Arn everybody's gone kung fu fightin at 6:57 PM