Accdg. to a certain website, this was my pastlife...think about this, "Life may not be the party we hoped for. But while we're here, we might as well dance." So, shall we?
Unstable Dancer
Layout by goldi
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Unstable Dancer '08
01.13.08 Sun
Music: Magic - SinoSikat?

I live by my blog title, obviously.

Abandoned this place for, errr, can't even remember. (I have an excuse. Weird that I cannot open my page on this net cafe. Will it be those pop ups that greet you, including me, whenever I drop by? I was oh-so-busy for the past, uhhmmm, for almost a year now.)

I am alive just so you know. I promise to be back in the blogging world again. I do not have an exact time. But I will be.

Though we're halfway of this month of this new year, I would want to greet everyone a happy new year!


posted by Arn everybody's gone kung fu fightin at 3:19 PM